Monday, November 18, 2013

Ender's Game

Ender's Game is all about a boy named Ender Wiggins who is skinny, shy, and brilliant but doesn't know it yet.  Ender lives in the near future where children for some unknown reason are the ones who are chosen to be soldiers in the military even though they are all mostly really small and skinny.  The fact that they are skinny kid soldiers does not matter because of the way they make the kids fight, by playing a video game style simulation.  The kids don't need to be physically fit to press buttons and switches.  Harrison Ford is in this movie playing Graff the man calling the shots with the kid military.  He pushes Ender over the edge multiple times, he is the over bearing father figure who tries to control his son.  Ender isn't his son though, he is just their last hope in the war against the mysterious aliens that "may" come and attack.  Communication between the enemies never happens, but Ender believes that the alien is not plotting to attack and that it must have another way of communicating.

From the start of the film the story has one concept that plays a key role throughout the film, bullying.  Ender is bullied by numerous different people the whole film and retaliates so his bully at the time has no way of future bullying towards Ender.  He has a sister, Valentine, who he is like best friends with and a psychopathic brother, Peter who have both proved not worthy of being in the fighting academy.  Ender is the third to be kicked out until Graff comes and says they are taking him no matter what so they do and train him where the bullying just continues as does his retaliations.  Ender progresses past his bullies by being smarter and more strategic.  He even accidentally kills one of them but Ender is deeply moved when he hurts him and has remorse immediately even though everyone else tells Ender it was in self defense so he should not feel that bad.  Ender is different than everyone else though and he doesn't want to destroy his bullies he just doesn't want them to bully him.  He eventually gets moved to the leader of the Dragon team, the only girl, Petra, on the team automatically is all about Ender and doesn't leave his side.  The Dragon team is the best and they are moved to a new spot to train for their graduation.  The legendary Mazer who killed the main ship 70 years prior is there to teach them how to kill the aliens now.  He has tattoos all over his face making him hard to get confused with any other character.  They train in the form of simulations which are like amazing war video games like Halo.  It's their last day of simulations and they are all nervous and such because it is going to be in front of the head people of the military.  They make a formation like they did in their zero gravity training around Petra and clear a spot so she can shoot and destroy the whole planet.  She does and the pictures after are pretty devastating.  Ender is pissed because Graff comes out to tell them that it was real life actually and they just blew up this whole planet of aliens and they should be so happy.  But Ender is not having it at all and escapes to find the moth creature of his dreams and video games to communicate.  He vows to spend his future trying to rebuild the species he destroyed.  

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